You can start to talk to your funeral director informally as soon as a death has occurred whilst waiting for the documents. We at Shields of Donaghadee Funeral Directors would be happy to talk this through with you informally and will make detailed arrangement for the funeral itself once you have the relevant certificates.
At this stage it’s worth checking if there is a prepaid funeral plan in place as this will indicate the wishes of the person who has died as well as cover some of the costs involved.
If there is a will now is a good time to contact the executor to see if any instructions were left regarding the funeral. If you need support we can help through our free National bereavement service advice line, they will help advise and guide you through all of this, call them free on 0800 0246121 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm or visit them at where you’ll find more useful information.